Why Your Blood Pressure Matters — Even in Your 20s & 30s
Hypertension is a very common disease that can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. High blood pressure is a condition that commonly affects the arteries throughout the body, which in turn puts stress on the heart. This condition is also called hypertension and if left unchecked, can be very dangerous. People with high blood pressure have a higher reading of 130/80 mm Hg or more.
How is Blood Pressure measured?
Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) and affects not just the heart, but the entire circulatory system. When the heart has to work harder to pump blood, it not only puts strain on the organ itself but also decreases the amount of oxygen-rich blood that’s being circulated to other parts of the body. This can lead to a host of other problems and if left untreated, high blood pressure can be fatal.
The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association divide blood pressure into four general categories. Ideal blood pressure is categorized as normal.
- Normal blood pressure. Blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg or lower.
- Elevated blood pressure. The top number ranges from 120 to 129 mm Hg and the bottom number is below, not above, 80 mm Hg.
- Stage 1 hypertension. The top number ranges from 130 to 139 mm Hg or the bottom number is between 80- and 89-mm Hg.
- Stage 2 hypertension. The top number is 140 mm Hg or higher or the bottom number is 90 mm Hg or higher.
If your blood pressure is above 180/120 mm Hg, it is considered a hypertensive emergency and you should seek medical help immediately. Without treatment, high blood pressure raises the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, and other serious health problems. Starting at age 18, it is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked at least every two years. However, some people may need more frequent check-ups. Practicing healthy lifestyle habits, like not smoking, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet, can help prevent and treat high blood pressure. For some people, medicine is necessary to lower their blood pressure.
Many people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, even when readings are at dangerously high levels. You can have high blood pressure for years without experiencing any issues.
A few people with high blood pressure may have:
- Headaches
- Shortness of breath
- Nosebleeds
Blood pressure vs. heart rate
Both blood pressure and heart rate are related to your cardiovascular health, but they are two different things. Blood pressure is how forcefully your blood moves through your blood vessels. Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in one minute.
An increase in heart rate doesn’t necessarily mean that your blood pressure is going up, too. The only way to know for sure is to measure your blood pressure with a blood pressure cuff and gauge.
Why blood pressure fluctuates
Your blood pressure doesn’t always stay the same. It changes based on what you’re doing. When you’re exercising or excited, your blood pressure goes up. When you’re resting, your blood pressure is lower.
Your blood pressure can also be affected by:
-your age,
-the medications you take, and
-even changes in your position.
What problems does high blood pressure cause?
When you are in your 20s and 30s, High blood pressure can damage your health in many ways. It can seriously hurt important organs like your heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes.
But there’s good news, too: in most cases, you can manage your blood pressure to lower your risk for serious health problems.
How do I know if I have high blood pressure?
The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have a doctor measure it. Measuring your blood pressure is quick and easy, and it’s something you can do at home with a self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitor.
High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because it usually has no warning signs or symptoms. This means that many people don’t know they have it. That’s why it’s important to talk to your health care team about regularly measuring your blood pressure.
What can I do to prevent or manage high blood pressure?
If you have high blood pressure, you can lower it into a healthy range by making some lifestyle changes. Talk to your health care team about:
– Getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week (about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week)
– Not smoking
– Eating a healthy diet, including limiting sodium (salt) and alcohol
– Keeping a healthy weight
– Managing stress
5 Little-Known Habits That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure In Your 20s & 30s
1. Walk More
Exercise is key to preventing high blood pressure.
2. Skip The Salt
In order to maintain healthy blood pressure, it is important to consume less salt. This means taking the time to read labels when grocery shopping.
3. Don’t Rosé All Day
Alcohol can also contribute to high blood pressure. Too much alcohol can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and over time, this can cause damage to the heart and blood vessels. If you drink alcohol, it is important to drink in moderation and to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
4. Make Time To Meditate
While some might feel like meditation is oversold as a solution to first-world problems, there is evidence that adopting a meditation practice can have positive effects like lower blood pressure.
5. Eat More Dark Chocolate
A lot of people think that in order to maintain a healthy blood pressure, they have to make a lot of sacrifices like giving up salt, alcohol, and nicotine. However, that’s not entirely true! Eating dark chocolate can actually help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels and can even lower your blood pressure if it’s on the higher side.
As young adults, there are many things to keep in mind about our health. We are a generation that is becoming more aware of our health as we grow older. However, there are many people who still do not take their health seriously and it can be detrimental to their lives. We want to help you make the best decisions for your health and provide you with the resources you need to live a healthier lifestyle. This blog post is all about your blood pressure. We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and found it useful. If you have any queries/questions feel free to reach us at www.philomathresearch.com